You can
select a specific route or run on the summary page to see more detailed information on a stop level. In the route details page, you will have the option of viewing the route as it is performed in Live Tracking or the Route Replay, which is a collection of the GPS data from the route once it is completed or after the scheduled run end time. The map will show the vehicle location during live tracking, as well as the location of each stop. The table below will provide the routes progression, as well as information regarding the schedule and status of the route.
Live Tracking

For this route, you can see that the vehicle is servicing stops along the route. Below the map, you can see what the scheduled, estimated, and actual arrival time is as well as the status of each stop.
Please note that FirstView GPS districts will not have stop data present in their Dashboard.
Route Replay

All of the GPS data or AVLs that are collected during the route is presented here. Route Replays are best leveraged after the route has been performed since GPS information we may have missed during Live Tracking is filled in here. The blue dots on the map represent GPS events which creates a bread crumb trail of the path the bus took. You can hover over each AVL to see the timestamp recorded by the vehicle or view them listed to the right of the map in sequential order. Typically, events labeled as "Door/Open Close" indicate that a stop has been serviced or the bus is stopping at a railroad crossing. Below the replay map, you can see the list of stops along the route, along with the actual arrival, and departure time of the bus.
Below are descriptions of each column in the table
Stop Num: This column lists each stop on the route in chronological order. Schools and depots will not be numbered but will be listed according to their stop description.
Stop Name: The address of each stop. Clicking on the name will show the location on the map.
Scheduled Arrival: The scheduled arrival of the vehicle at the stop.
Est. Arrival: The estimated arrival of the vehicle at the stop.
Actual Arrival: The actual arrival of the vehicle at the stop.
Actual Departure: The actual departure of the vehicle from the stop.
Status: The status of each stop on the route. Stops will be listed as next, future, or visited.
No. Students: The number of students associated with the stop for the Parent App.