The "Students" tab provides a table showing information relevant to all of the students in the district or school and/or student profiles generated by app users (if applicable).
From this page, you can view a student's ID number, security code, school, or see information about users associated with that student.
If your school district utilizes security codes, you can export a list of all security codes for your students by clicking the blue button at the top right of the page. You can also use the action gear to review a student's security code, and blacklist students from FirstView.
Note: This student information will be generated based upon your school district's FirstView configuration, which you can learn more about here.

Below are descriptions of each column in the table
Student Number (Optional): Displays the student number. You can filter and search for a specific student by their number.
[+]: Clicking on this icon expands a student's row, showing information about the users that follow them. Click here for help Navigating Users.
First Name: Displays the first name of the student. You can filter and search for a specific student by first name.
Last Name: Displays the last name of the student. You can filter and search for a specific student by last name.
School Name: Displays the school the student attends. You can filter and search for students based on school.
Stops: Displays how many stops the student is associated with. By hovering over this, you can see information about those stops.
Users: Displays how many users the student is associated with. By hovering over this, you can see information about those users.
Routes: Displays how many routes the student is associated with. By hovering over this, you can see information about those routes.
Actions: Allows you to blacklist a student's information from FirstView per a parent request.